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버지니아 울프의 작품세계에 대한 감상

by 책이랑 2022. 9. 4.

[1]  As I read this book, Woolf taught me that it is okay to not entirely understand yourself all the time, as humans are ever-changing beings. She taught me that “A self that goes on changing is a self that goes on living.” These ideas are prevalent through her characters’ questioning and reflections.

Aging, changing and evolving is a beautiful part of life that must be embraced by us all. Her characters are not perfect human beings, they are flawed and very real. Her reflection of humanity is eerily accurate.

Personally, The Waves swept me up and spat me back out with a whole new outlook. The past cannot be changed and the future cannot be predetermined. All we have is now and all we can do is what we think is best. Woolf taught me that I will never know the answers and that is okay because ‘I am made and remade continually.’

She taught me that I am both alone and not alone in this world, forever surrounded with masses of people who feel the same way as me; people with pasts, regrets, anxieties and hopes. But ultimately we have ourselves to lean on.

We are all of Woolf’s characters; both alone and intertwined with the people around us. 


[2] 울프는 1930년에 플롯이 아닌 리듬에 맞춰 책을 썼다고 말했다.(6) 이것이 책의 묘하고 종종 매혹적인 분위기의 한 원인이다.줄거리에 의해 구성되기 보다는, 이 책은 9개의 섹션이나 에피소드에 걸쳐 시간이 지남에 따라 일어나는 이야기, 생각, 그리고 감정의 집합으로 보여질 수 있다.요약해야 하는 경우:




Review: The Waves by Virginia Woolf

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