영어책/이야기 The Elephant and the Bad Baby (Puffin Picture Books) by Elfrida Vipont and Raymond Briggs (Paperback - Aug 30, 1973) by 책이랑 2009. 10. 15. The Elephant and the Bad Baby (Puffin Picture Books) by Elfrida Vipont and Raymond Briggs (Paperback - Aug 30, 1973) 코끼리등에 타게 된 bad baby는 마침내 please라는 말을 해야한다는 것을 배우게 된다. 공유하기 게시글 관리 책이랑 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 관련글 Jane Yolen의 책 - How Do Dinosaurs~ I'm Sorry by Sam Mcbratney and Jennifer Eachus Don't Laugh at Me (Reading Rainbow Book) by Steve Seskin, Allen Shamblin, and Glin Dibley May I Bring a Friend? by Beatrice de Regniers and Beni Montresor (Paperback - Sep 30, 1989) 댓글