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by 책이랑 2019. 1. 21.

The style of the writing is more a stream-of-consciousness fashion 

internal battle 


Tom's nearly unbearable grief at losing her.

P. 171 also had two honest and tender entries from Karin's journal. How much honesty can a memoir contain? Should it contain? (less)

James Frey's A Million Little Pieces, 

 it's an amazing highlight on the human plight of suffering but also of persevering.

in the first moments after his daughter’s birth and the final moments of his partner’s life, 

This novel travels off the map and into that territory.
 It exchanges the schematic ease of the sentimental
for the uncharted depths of the emotional. 

Rose McGowan on ‘Brave’

McGowan talks about her new memoir, and Katie Kitamura discusses Tom Malmquist’s new novel, “In Every Moment We Are Still Alive.”



 “In Every Moment We Are Still Alive” is narrated in a vivid present tense that collapses the distance between the time of narration and the harrowing events of the story.
